Susan Boyle says she feels like a princess after overcoming her childhood bullying to become an international singing sensation.
Susan Boyle says she feels like a princess after overcoming her childhood bullying to become an international singing sensation.
Susan Boyle feels 'like a princess' since fulfilling her singing dream.
The Scottish music sensation - who suffered physical and emotional torment at the hands of childhood bullies - has revealed she never felt able to stand up to her tormentors because she was too afraid but she finally feels loved now.
She said: 'I feel like a princess and I feel loved for the first time in my life.'
Of her schooldays, she said: 'Bullies were burning my clothes with a cigarette and stuff like that and trying to trip me up. It wasn't really human. I was being hit around the head, stuff like that.
'There was really repeated name calling. It made me feel as if nobody loved me. I really didn't matter. I was just a target. Once you give bullies that power, they've really got a hold on you.
'I couldn't do the fisticuffs because, to be honest, I was an absolute coward.'
Despite calling herself a 'coward', Susan - who suffered from learning difficulties because she was starved of oxygen during her birth -revealed she had some other methods of dealing with her persecutors.
She explained to talk show host Oprah Winfrey: 'I was hyperactive at school. I used the chase after them!'
She added: 'What you do is you do well in something and you try and gain their respect in some way, and that's what I was trying to do with my singing.'
Although the 49-year-old singer - who shot to fame on Simon Cowell's TV show 'Britain's Got Talent' - is in a happier place now, she claims that 'some of the bullies are still around'.
But Oprah suggested a new way to deal with her tormentors, saying: 'Send them a signed autographed CD saying, 'How ya like me now?' '