Lindsay Lohan will have to stay in the Betty Ford rehabilitation clinic until January 3.
Lindsay Lohan will have to stay in the Betty Ford rehabilitation clinic until January 3.
Lindsay Lohan has been ordered to say in rehab until January 3.
The 24-year-old actress has been told by Judge Elden Fox she will not return to jail for breaking the terms of her probation after she failed two drugs tests for cocaine and amphetamines in September and will instead go back to the Betty Ford Clinic in Los Angeles until early 2011.
She will also have her SCRAM alcohol monitoring bracelet removed, but will continue to be drug and alcohol tested until the end of her probation for a 2007 driving under the influence (DUI) case.
Lindsay did not speak to the judge during the hearing, but cried when the rehabilitation sentence was ordered.
The district attorney Danette Meyers recommended six months in jail for the relapse, pointing out Lindsay would be going back into rehab for the fifth time.
The judge told Lindsay: 'You are an addict, I hope you understand that.'
He also told the Beverly Hills Courthouse he wanted her to stay in rehab until January 3 for a reason, but did not say why.
Lindsay's father Michael Lohan was in attendance in the court, while her mother Dina was on the other side of the room.